re-use re-duce re-cycle

Poziom: 7 SP8 SP
Przedmioty: MatematykaGeografiaJęzyk angielskiJęzyk polskiBiologia
Aktywności: Pieszo

Scenariusze do pobrania:pdfre-use re-duce re-cycle.pdf

The entire schedule adopts an ecological perspective, emphasizing actions related to recycling, reducing, and reusing both objects and buildings, with a particular focus on Stara Papiernia. It highlights the current treatment of our planet and explores methods for making it more environmentally friendly. The tasks encompass a range of topics that align with the core curriculum, enabling participants to simultaneously address academic subjects and contribute to saving our planet. The overall objective is to examine existing efforts and identify ways to enhance our environmental impact, specifically in regard to pollution.

pdfPo przejściu całej trasy, napisz co sądzisz o scenariuszu. Formularz znajdzieszTUTAJ.

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